
What You Wear Is Who You Are

In life, people often say “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” This means that who you surround yourself with tells of what kind of person you are.In marketing it’s almost the same thing – the way you surround yourself with things and how you present yourself shows who you are. The way you clothe yourself tells your audience of what and how you take pride in the things you do.When presenting your business and company, you take extra pride in what you do. Hence, you give that extra effort in ensuring that your work is always the best. You take an extra step to make sure that you reflect the kind of image that would represent the best in your business. It’s a no brainer to point out then that your outer appearance, along with the way you run your business, is significant in how you become successful or not.Along with your custom business cards or color business cards, your appearance speaks volumes of who you are, what you do, and how you provide your service. Everything about you is a reflection of your business. It is your target audiences’ concept that makes an impression on them. It is what gives them an impression of how special or different you are from the rest of your competition.Professional appearance therefore is important. And it’s not about wearing designer and branded clothes from head to foot; but it’s more of presenting yourself in such a way that your target clients move past your appearance and delve deeper to get to what’s inside of you – your values. Dressing yourself then should be based on how you would want to convey what’s important for you. And this includes your ideas, your thoughts and your capabilities, in addition to your personality.You must therefore dress according to the occasion. If you’re attending a business meeting for example, do you think you would make Motor Parts an impact with four-inch heels and red hot nail polish watch repair tools and a short leather skirt? An impact yes; a negative one at that. Or what about an Armani suit during a football game? Not only are you distracting but you also send out the wrong impression that you don’t know how to conduct yourself in these scenarios. What more with the business that these people can give you?The key is to find out what is appropriate to the event you plan to attend that you’re able to blend well in the affair. Avoid anything that can distract your target clients from getting to what is important – who you really are. And make it easy to connect with people with the inner you by being able to present yourself appropriately in any kind of situation.

